In 2006, J. Zhang was searching for a bed for her two-year-old daughter and could not find one. Spurred by her vision for the ideal piece of children’s furniture, J. Zhang sat down at her drawing table and designed the bed that she pictured her little girl would love. J. Zhang was pleased with her creation so she continued creating furniture for children, until she had a set of beds, cots and chairs. This lovely collection represented a new category in children’s furniture but more importantly planted the seed for a larger concept.Before 2006
> Picture: J. Zhang in the wood workshop.

Clients are the designers in the bussiness of J. Zhang. They brought and continue to bring in new ideas and helped her develop the concept of building design furniture for children. With her experience in sourcing different furniture building mateials, dealing with assembly issues J. Zhang had the ideal background to start with J4KID design furniture for children.
> Picture: Prototyping the Eggy model.
> Picture: Red 'Duke' and brown 'Eddy' model